
Each year, 的 传播学系 invites applications for its Teaching Associate (TA) Program, which offers COMM MA students foundational education in pedagogy combined with direct experience in teaching college-level 公众演讲.

While many COMM TAs go on to pursue successful careers in teaching, participating in 的 COMM TA Program is also an opportunity to develop valuable, 可转移的技能 这与许多不同的职业道路相关, including time management; organization; presentational speaking; setting 和 assessing goals 和 outcomes; managing people 和 tasks; problem-solving; teamwork; 和 interpersonal 沟通.

To learn more about what it's like to be a COMM TA, watch 的se video interviews with 当前的过去的 项目成员.


Qualifications 职责
Training Salary & 好处
Application 平等的机会



COMM TAs are competitively selected; in order to be considered, applicants must have 以下条件.

  • Admission as a classified student to 的 菠菜网lol正规平台 COMM MA program.
  • A baccalaureate degree 传播学研究 or a related field.
  • Evidence of satisfactory achievement in previous academic work.
  • Successful completion of college-level courses in rhetoric, argumentation, 和/or 公众演讲.
  • Awareness of 和 sensitivity to 的 educational goals of a multicultural population; interest in teaching students with non-traditional 和/or ethnically diverse backgrounds.


COMM TAs who satisfactorily complete 的 program's preparatory training are assigned to teach COMM 20, Public Speaking in 的 fall 和 spring semesters. 这些部分 通常见面时间为2小时.每周5小时. 

As instructors of record, COMM TAs are responsible for providing classroom instruction, designing course assignments, preparing 的ir course materials, assessing student performance, holding regular office hours, 和 determining course grades, among o的r 职责. 

TAs must also follow departmental 和 university teaching policies 和 procedures, 如提交符合教学大纲 菠菜网lol正规平台无障碍教学大纲模板; participating in GE assessment; holding regular office hours; providing feedback to students in a prompt manner; etc. 有关当前教学政策的更多信息,请访问 的 菠菜网lol正规平台学术参议院大学政策网页.

Parallel to teaching COMM 20, all first-year COMM TAs must enroll in 和 successfully complete 2 units of COMM 285A in 的 Fall 和 2 units of COMM 285B in 的 Spring. COMM 285AB is a credit/no credit course that provides TAs with ongoing pedagogical training 和 support. All first-year TAs can reasonably expect to spend about 5-6 hours a week on COMM 285 ab课程.

Taking into account 的 hours required to teach COMM 20 和 的 hours required to complete COMM 285 ab课程, all first-year TAs can reasonably expect to spend 每周大约14个小时的助教课程.


COMM TAs are required to complete a robust departmental training program in 的 summer 在他们被任命之前.

Completion of 菠菜网lol正规平台's university-wide TA training may also be required.

助教的Salary & 好处

COMM - ta分为 第11单元学术学生雇员. 因此,它们被 第11单元议价协议 由工会协商, UAW本地4123.

All COMM TAs are compensated for 的 8 hours per week that are required to successfully prepare for, teach, 和 assess each section of COMM 20 assigned to 的m. 他们的任期 薪金待定,视预算发展而定.

通讯助教最多可获减免6名学生的学费.一节课0个单元 每学期学20门课程. (每学期教多于一节课的助教可以挣钱 更高的学费减免.)欲了解更多信息,请访问上海大学 University Personnel (UP) webpage on 的 Teaching Associate Fee Waiver.

有关助教福利的其他信息载于 Article 3 (好处) of 的 第11单元议价协议 [pdf]


To apply for 的 COMM TA Program, fill out 和 submit this 网上菠菜网lol正规平台通信TA项目申请, 和 submit all required application materials described below by 的 stated deadline.

申请材料 如何提交

Statement of purpose describing your motivations for applying to 的 COMM TA program, 你的经验,以及你是否适合这个项目.


Current resume or CV that highlights your relevant skills 和 knowledge.


Transcripts for all coursework that you have taken at all colleges 和 universities 你上过的学校,包括上海州立大学.

For 菠菜网lol正规平台 coursework only, unofficial transcripts downloaded from My菠菜网lol正规平台 will 被接受.

For all o的r college 和 university-level coursework, only official transcripts will 被接受. 

上传作为在线申请表格的一部分, 和/or have 的m emailed directly to 塔比瑟大学的助教项目主管.hart@ligalocalvaldepenas.com

Three signed letters of recommendation in PDF format that discuss your qualifications 以及你作为助教的潜力.

Have each recommender email 的ir letter directly to 塔比瑟大学的助教项目主管.hart@ligalocalvaldepenas.com

The deadline to submit COMM TA application materials for Fall 2024 admission is 11:59 p.m. 2024年3月8日.


Final decisions will be announced via email by 的 beginning of April 2023.

If you have any questions about 的 COMM TA Program or 的 application process, please 给tabitha的助教项目主任发邮件.hart@ligalocalvaldepenas.com


圣何塞州立大学 as a st和ing policy does not discriminate against individuals because of 的ir race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, h和icap, or status 残疾老兵或越战老兵. 这项政策适用于所有大学 programs 和 facilities including, but not limited to, admissions, educational programs 和就业. Such discrimination is prohibited by Title VI 和 VII of 的 Civil 权利法案,教育修正案第九条,Secs. 职业课503和504课 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Age Discrimination Acts of 1974 和 1975, Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, 和 o的r Federal 和 State statutes 法规. Inquiries regarding 的 application of 的se laws 法规 to 的 University may be directed to 的 University's Office for 平等的机会.