
SJS4 is the 圣何塞州立大学 instance of CalStateS4 (S4), a web application hosted 由校长办公室提供. SJS4习惯于:

  • capture service learning student placements;
  • facilitate risk management processes required for curricular service learning; and
  • 列表 批准 组织站点信息.

学生 and faculty use SJS4 for their courses, to find and place with organizations who have a current University Organization Agreement (UOA) and to request new UOAs. All partners with whom students are placed in curricular service learning placements must have a current UOA per Chancellor's Office 第1064号行政命令 和圣何塞州立大学 参议院政策第16-14号[pdf].

For information regarding internships, visit the Office of Undergraduate 教育's 网站.                              






  1. SJS4登录页面 
  2. Click on the blue ‘Student/教师 Log In’ button
  3. Sign in with your My菠菜网lol正规平台 ID and 密码
  4. On your 首页 page, find your course and click on the black ‘Browse’ button
  5. 点击“按网站搜索”
  6. Ensure that you filter your search by inputting ‘Service Learning’ under the ‘Program’ 字段中的搜索条件
  7. 选择站点


8. 查看站点信息



  • 第一个名字
  • 大学的名字
  • 主要
  • Course name that requires service hours
  • 你需要多少小时才能完成
  • 你能开始工作的日期
  • Date by which you need to complete the hours


  • Are placements available for the required time frame?
  • What are the next steps to get started?




  • Partners receive a large number of 电子邮件s. Sometimes the best option is to call.
  • Some sites require a LiveScan or a TB test. Not all sites cover the cost of these 需求.
  • 尽早开始找工作.
  • 联系 your instructor or your department for any course related questions and deadlines


a site has confirmed that a placement is available for you, then proceed to logging 你在SJS4上的位置.



参观 SJS4网站申请表

  • If you wish to complete your hours at a site not 列表ed on SJS4, you must complete 学生 & 教师要求一个新的网站.
  • If you choose to pursue the Student Request for a New Site, it may take more than 一个月的时间完成整个过程. 



Before logging a placement, you must confirm that you have a spot with the organization.

  1. SJS4登录页面 
  2. 使用您的My菠菜网lol正规平台 ID登录 & 密码
  3. On your home page, under ‘Course’, click on ‘Place’ for the appropriate course you’re 参加
  4. 点击“按网站搜索”
  5. Ensure that you filter your search by inputting ‘Service Learning’ under the ‘Program’ 字段中的搜索条件
  6. 选择合适的站点
  7. Click on the green ‘Select this site’ button at the beginning of the page
  8. Input the total number of hours you will serve at this site

SJS4 Screenshot of 'Dates of Placement'9. 点击“Next”按钮

10. Complete all forms by clicking on the 'Complete form' buttons

Screenshot of SJS4 'Placement Forms' Page

11. Click on the red 'Finish Placement' button on the bottom right corner of the screen 填妥所有表格后.



The Reporting Hours Guide will help you with submitting your hours through SJS4. 请 be aware that you are only allowed to report hours at the end of 你的服务. 

  1. SJS4登录页面 
  2. 使用您的My菠菜网lol正规平台 ID登录 & 密码
  3. On your home page, click on the red ‘Placed’ button next to the course


4. Click on the green ‘Report Hours’ button

SJS4 Placement Page截图

5. Input total hours under ‘Completed number of hours’

Screenshot of SJS4 Edit Placement Page

6. 点击绿色选项卡“保存更改”