

From: 迪安娜 Fassett, Director, Center for Faculty Development


By now, you've likely seen President Papazian's message to our campus regarding Santa Clara County's shelter in place order set to begin at midnight on March 17th and extension 远程教学到2020年春季.  

Center for Faculty Development and eCampus staff members will be honoring the shelter in place request, and, though both offices will be running remotely, we remain committed 支持你们每一个教员的工作.  

For questions about the tools you're using to support students' learning, you can 达到 eCampus 工作人员通过电子邮件和(408)924-2337. eCampus 教学设计者 are also available to help address any challenges (and celebrate any successes) as 你引导移动到远程教学. 我们的 教师远程教学顾问 are also available to help you troubleshoot questions from the conceptual to the 后勤方面的.

计算流体动力学 staff members are happy to field all manner of pedagogy and pedagogy-adjacent questions. This might include help with policy interpretation, including RTP or lecturer evaluation processes, work-life integration, strategies to support equity and inclusion, and 除了.  If we do not know the answer, we'll find the person who does. 你可以伸手 通过电子邮件和(408)924-2600联系计算流体动力学工作人员.

For those of you who are looking for spaces to connect, please stop in to 一个 of our 远程教学教室.  我们的 faculty remote teaching experts will be holding open meetings each day this week where you are welcome to pop in to say hello, check in with colleagues from across the campus, and talk about how the move into remote modes of instruction is going for you--the highs and the lows.  这是日期/时间 缩放链接:

For those of you who are parents and would like a space to process the tensions you may be feeling at this time, please consider attending our Working/Parenting Zoom Room: This is a space for parents (faculty and staff) to discuss working from home while their children are present, working from 菠菜网lol正规平台 while their children are at home, and other challenges and opportunities associated with working and parenting in a 社交距离时间. 我们会遇到这个 周四从12-1通过Zoom.

For those of you who would like additional information from our offices (above and 除了 official emails), please follow us on social media as follows:

As always, Jennifer Redd, eCampus Director, and I remain available for individual 通过电话、电子邮件或Zoom咨询. 

As I menti一个d on the 计算流体动力学 Facebook page, these are unprecedented circumstances. 不 only is it ok to be imperfect, but those imperfections are meaningful opportunities 为了优雅和成长. 我们都在一起. 现在,你和你的 学生应该得到一点善意. 感谢您为我校学生所做的一切 为了彼此.  
