Requirements for Middle School Teachers

Currently there are two options for Multiple Subject Credential holders who wish to teach mathematics at the middle school level. 

选择一个. Adding a Foundational Level Credential

An individual who holds a Multiple Subject Credential and wants to add a Foundational-Level Mathematics credential will be required to:

  1. Pass CSET I and CSET II in mathematics
  2. Successfully complete a single subject pedagogy course in mathematics

圣何塞州立大学 currently have a Foundational Level Credential. However, once an individual has obtained a Multiple Subject Credential and has satisfied the two requirements listed above, s/he may apply to get the foundational credential through the State of California. 

选项B. Obtaining a Subject Matter Authorization in Mathematics

This authorization substitutes for the Supplemental Authorization for new teachers 进入这个行业. A Subject Matter Authorization in Mathematics may be added to a Single Subject or Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and will authorize the holder to teach mathematics in grades 9 and below. (Note that this will enable a teacher to teach a class in which the curriculum is for grades 9 and below but the students 可能是K-12年级的学生.)

An applicant will qualify for a subject matter authorization upon the completion of 以下两个选项之一:

  1. 32 semester or 48 quarter hours of non-remedial collegiate coursework in mathematics. A minimum of three semester or four quarter hours is required in each of the specific 以下内容区域.  The balance of the units may be in any course within the subject 类别. 
  2. A collegiate major from a regionally accredited college or university in a subject 与数学直接相关.


Require Content Areas for the 32 Semester Units





Development of the Real Number System or Introduction to Mathematics 
  • Course work must be college level mathematics or higher.
  • 代数 courses must be for credit, applicable towards a degree, and, if completed at the community college level, transferable to a four-year institution to be acceptable. Elementary algebra courses may not meet these requirements. 如果要用初等的 algebra course, a course description will need to be submitted to verify the acceptability.
  • Since both algebra and advanced algebra are required, there are several options available 同时满足这两个方面.  The requirement is algebra content at two different levels.
    1. If an individual completes a college algebra course, the “advanced” course may be another level of algebra such as linear algebra.  个人不得利用他人 college algebra course, an elementary algebra course, or the same level algebra course completed at another college of university.
    2. If an individual completes a college or other level algebra course (other than elementary algebra), the “advanced” course may be a “higher” level math courses such as trigonometry 或微积分.
  • 课程 in calculus will clear the specific course requirements (一个 for each content area being cleared) in algebra, advanced algebra, geometry, and development of the 实数系.  The applicant must still have the 所需32个单位. 微积分 courses will not clear the probability and statistics content area.
  • If the applicant has only 一个 or two courses in calculus and no course work in algebra, geometry, or 实数系s, the applicant will need to either submit course descriptions so that it can be confirmed whether or not those 区域 were covered by the calculus course(s) or complete additional course work in the required content 区域.
  • Personal enrichment-type mathematics courses are not acceptable.
  • One mathematics-based computer course is acceptable as additional units toward the 所需32个单位.

这些是CCTC的要求. Our suggestions for courses are listed below. 

计划一个 B计划 C计划
数学12 数学12 数学12
数学105 数学105 数学105
数学106 数学106 数学106
数学101 数学101 数学19(5单元)
数学107 数学107 数学30P(5单元)
数学107 b 数学107 b 数学31(4单元)
Math 196 - Probability and Data Analysis (4 units) 数学8 统计95


选择下列之一: 选择下列之一:  选择两个:

Math 196 微积分 for Middle School Teachers (4 units)



Math 196 代数ic Structures (4 units)

数学42 数学107
    数学107 b







Math 196 Use of Technology in Teaching Middle School Mathematics


The CCTC document Subject Matter Authorization Guidebook is available at (pdf)