

This month is dedicated to celebrating womxn’s contributions to herstory, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States 自1987年以来. Womxn’s Herstory Month 2021 will take place from Monday, March 1 - Wednesday, 2021年3月31日. 


Womxn的历史亮点 & GenEC推荐

3月1日- 3月31日| Instagram @菠菜网lol正规平台GenEC


We will be highlighting different womxn, past and present, on our Instagram/Facebook 整个2021年3月. 我们还将重点介绍不同的作品(书籍), music, podcasts, movies, etc) from womxn on our weekly GenEC推荐. 一定要检查一下 请在我们的Instagram @sjsugenec上发布,并关注我们以获取最新信息! 



MLK图书馆有一些伟大的资源发现! 本指南只是一个概览 celebrating just a few of the many momentous events in the history of women.


While 硅谷 is known for its role in leading the technology industry, the South Bay has also led the way in women’s leadership positions in local government 和业务. This exhibit showcases archival materials related to the origins of women’s suffrage in California and traces these roots through to the present day. 





Thursday, March 4, 2021 | 3:00 - 4:00pm | Link available on Instagram @genaction_sjsu

Genaction 菠菜网lol正规平台

Genaction 菠菜网lol正规平台 is hosting a 性危险 game to unpack questions around sexual health 和健康. 加入我们,成为这个合作和有趣的游戏的一部分!


观看现场录音@ Youtube @MOSAICCCC 

马赛克学生会有限公司 & 性别平等中心

Mosaic will be working in partnership with 学生会, Inc and the 性别平等 以妇女历史月为中心的开放麦克风中心. 

The featured artist of the evening will be Kai Davis, live streamed on Youtube @MOSAICCCC. We will also have a featured student performance from Aisha (IG @versatilitysillyme). 

WGSS: Biannual Feminist Lecture Series featuring Maribel Martinez

2021年3月8日周一| 12:00 pm | 变焦 密码:022922(同步)

女性、性别、 & 性研究学系 & SCC同志事务办公室

"Healing in Public Systems: Reflections on Equity work in local government post-election and  mid-pandemic on how to build for transformative justice and inclusion."

Join us to learn 更多的 about the innovative work of the Office of LGBTQ 事务 within local government including the impact of COVID-19 on this community and communities of color with Maribel Martínez, Director of the Santa Clara County Office of LGBTQ 事务.

Maribel is the founding director of the Office of LGBTQ 事务, the first office of its kind in the US, and a part of the Division of Equity and Social Justice for 圣克拉拉县. 在过去的20年里,她一直在各种非营利组织工作 in Santa Clara County addressing issues ranging from education reform, community safety measures, social services, health care outreach, to public policy. 九年以来, she served as the founding director of the Associated Students Cesar Chavez Community 圣何塞州立大学行动中心. 她持有麦考特颁发的证书 School of Public Policy from Georgetown University, Stanford University’s Local Governance Summer Institute, The Panetta Institute for Public Policy, and the Harvard Kennedy 学校高管教育课程. Maribel也是Chicana/Chicano的讲师 上海外国语大学研究系和人类学系.



2021年3月10日(周三)|下午1点至2点| 注册链接 (异步) 

菠菜网lol正规平台退伍军人资源中心 & 拉斯波西塔斯社区学院退伍军人优先项目

SJS VRC in collaboration with Las Positas Community College brings this program to 为我们地区的所有女退伍军人服务.  主讲人是Xochitl 罗德里格斯·穆里略,副部长-妇女退伍军人,少数民族 & 代表名额不足的 加州退伍军人事务部的副主任. 

In addition to the keynote speaker, there will be a panel of women student veterans (current 菠菜网lol正规平台 female veterans, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Alumni, and LPC female veterans) sharing their 从军和退役后的经历.     

该活动免费向公众开放.我们还会为签名的 copy of "Call Sign Chaos - Learning to Lead" by General Mattis, 菠菜网lol正规平台 VRC swag, limited edition LPC Veterans First backpack, Veterans First Hydration Flask, T-Shirt, and 更多的.  价值超过200美元!  


2021年3月11日(周四)| 12:00 pm | 变焦 (同步)

Dr. Akilah carter - franccique和Dr. 艾米·奥古斯特,isssc

This 体育运动 Conversation for Change will serve as a celebration of all things Womxn with Womxn’s History Month and a reflection on International Women’s Day and National 女童和妇女参加体育运动日. 妇女们已经并将继续做出巨大贡献 in sport as participants, leaders, influencers, decision makers, and as advocates 和积极分子. However, and according to UN Women “In addition to persistent pre-existing social and systemic barriers to women’s participation and leadership, new barriers 与COVID-19大流行一起出现. 在世界各地,妇女面临着越来越多的 domestic violence, unpaid care duties, unemployment and poverty” (United Nations Women, 2020). This conversation will examine these issues at the interface of sport with 美国的思想领袖和实践者.S. 和国外.


  • 道娜·卡拉汉,首席执行官 & All In 体育运动咨询公司创始人
  • 珍妮·林,加拿大妇女组织的项目经理 & 体育运动
  • Danielle Slaton, Director of External Relations, Santa Clara University



2021年3月11日,周四,下午5:30 变焦链接 (同步)

Chicanx & 拉丁裔学生成功中心 & 多元化、公平和包容办公室

加入这些妇女关于跑步的对话. 他们会一起跑步 journey and share their conocimiento about running safety, challenging races, mental 健康、行动主义等等!


星期四至星期五:三月十一日 & 12, 2021 | 5pm | 链接@ 学生会, Inc .虚拟电影之夜

NOTE: Movie link will be available from from Thursday, March 11th at 5pm through Friday, 3月12日下午5点. 

学生会,公司,女性,性别, & 性研究学系, & 性别平等 Center





3月11日(周四)|下午4:30 - 5:30 变焦 (同步)


Let’s take a moment to learn about the role of our nervous system and how it plays 在我们的整体健康中扮演着重要的角色. 穿上你舒适的睡衣,把这些点联系起来 关于变冷的过程.



周五,3月12日|下午2点-下午3点| 变焦 (同步)


The ultimate goal here is to express yourself in your highest and purest form. 灵魂 coaching sessions involve us taking a look underneath the surface of your emotions, 的思想, & 环境因素(你周围的人和信息). 在伙伴关系, 我们根据你认为对你的过程最有帮助的东西来设定目标. 我用了很多 of exercises and healing modalities through conversation therapy, writing exercises, 以及直观的指导.



3月13日星期六10:00 - 11:00 变焦 (同步)


Awaken your mind, body, and spirit through an intermediate vinyasa power flow, followed 通过注入水晶声碗频率的冥想.


黑人妇女论坛: Radical Self Care Workshop with Nicole Steward 

3月15日周一下午4:30 变焦 (同步)


Sometimes we care so much about other people that we sacrifice our own needs without 甚至注意到. And we can do this for quite some time, until the lack of care we've given ourselves shows up negatively in our health, well-being, or professional choices. 这就是所谓的倦怠. 解药是自我照顾. 通过培养深邃,勇敢 self-care practices, what I call RADICAL TENDENCIES, we can stay in this challenging work long enough to see our efforts make a positive impact in the world.


黑人妇女论坛:与Nicole Steward的声音治疗会议

3月18日星期四|下午4:00 - 5:00 | 变焦

声音愈合在一个机会的深度休息.  我们将讨论什么是声音治疗 and how it impacts us, then we will experience the co-regulating vibrations of sound 愈合在一起.  




3月18日(周四)|下午5:00 - 6:00 变焦链接 (同步)

黑人领导与机会中心 & 性别平等中心 

作为有色人种女性,我们的故事具有重要性和价值. 我们将有特别的 guest, Armani Donahue from the BLOC to dialogue about the importance of journaling 以及书面叙述. 欢迎所有人.