
凯蒂·威尔金森Professor of 生物科学


  • B.S. 神经科学 & B.A. History, University of Pittsburgh, 2004
  • Ph.D. Biomedical 科学s, University of California, San Diego, 2009
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in 研究和 Scientific Teaching, Emory University, 2009-2012


  • BIOL 30:   Principles of Biology I
  • BIOL 136: Vertebrate Neurophysiology
  • BIOL 167: Cardiorespiratory Physiology
  • BIOL 178: Integrative Physiology
  • BIOL 220: Scientific Communication
  • BIOL 255P: Advanced 研究生 Seminar on Pain


Active Learning Teaching 资源 [docx]


The 威尔金森 Lab is interested in understanding how your body senses information 来自环境. We study neurons in the muscle that sense muscle length and movement–the muscle spindle afferents. 这些神经元 innervate the muscle spindle sense organs and are the sensory component of the muscle stretch reflex. 这些神经元 are also the main contributors to the sense of body position and movement, or proprioception. Alterations to these sensory neurons can lead to movement and balance problems. Our lab is interested in understanding how these neurons translate muscle stretch into action potentials and what causes these neurons to malfunction. 

* Students interested in my research lab are encouraged to contact me. 请包括 your transcripts, resume, and a few paragraphs about your career goals and why you want to work in my lab in particular. 威尔金森实验室网站. I do not accept high school students to work in the lab.


S. Ma, A.E. 杜宾,L.O. 罗梅罗,M. 大声,. 萨拉查*,年代. 楚* N. Klier *,年代. 马斯里*, Y. 张,Y. 王,一个.T. Chesler K.A. 威尔金森,V. Vasquez, K.L. 马歇尔,一个. Patapoutian. (2023). Excessive mechanotransduction in sensory neurons causes joint contractures. 科学通报,32 (6):344 - 344. Doi: 10.1126 /科学.add3598.

C.M. Espino C.M. 刘易斯,年代. Ortiz *,米.S. Dalal K.M. 井,维.A. 奥尼尔,K.A. 威尔金森, T.N. 格里菲思(2022). NaV1.1 in mammalian sensory neurons is required for normal motor 行为. 11: e79917 eLife. PMC9640190

K.A. 威尔金森(2022). Molecular Determinants of mechanosensation in the muscle spindle. 当前的 Opinion in Neurobiology, 74. Available online 4/14/22, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2022.102542.

K. Than#, E. Kim#, C. 纳瓦罗#, S. 楚* N. Klier *,. Occiano *,年代. Ortiz *,. 萨拉查*,年代.R. Valdespino * N.K. Villegas * K.A. 威尔金森* (2021). Vesicle-Released Glutamate is Necessary to Maintain Muscle Spindle Afferent Excitability but Not Dynamic Sensitivity in Adult Mice. J 中国生物医学工程学报,2016,31 (2):563 - 567. http://doi.org/10.1113/JP281182

Accompanying Perspectives Article: G.S. Bewick & R.W. 银行(2021). 纺锤在转动。 it for themselves: Glutamatergic autoexcitation in muscle spindles. 中国生物医学工程学报,2009; 2781-2783. http://doi.org/10.1113/JP281624.

K.A. 威尔金森(2020). Methodological advances for studying gamma motor neurons. 当前的 Opinion in Physiology, 19: 135-140. Available online 10/14/20, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cophys.2020.10.002.

G.L. 阮#, S. Putnam#, M. 海丽* Z. Raza *,米. Bremer., & K.A. 威尔金森(2019). 饮食引起的肥胖减少 rate‐dependent depression in the Hoffmann’s reflex in adult mice. 生理的报道, 7(20), e14271. http://doi.org/10.14814 / phy2.14271. PMC6818099.

L. 具有C. Haupt K. A. 威尔金森和S. Kröger. (2019). 乙酰胆碱受体 in the equatorial region of intrafusal muscle fibers modulate mouse muscle spindle 灵敏度. 中国生物医学工程学报,2009,29 (3):393 - 396.  http://doi.org/10.1113/JP277139. PMC6441882

              Accompanying Perspectives Article: Papaioannou, S., & Dimitriou, M. (2020). Muscle spindle function in muscular dystrophy: a potential target for therapeutic 干预. Journal of Physiology, 598(8), 1433-1434.

D. Zaytseva *,. Allawala *, J.A. 弗兰克*,年代. Putnam#, A. M. Abtahie * N. Bubalo * C.R. Criddle * T.A. 阮#, P. 阮*,年代. Padmanabhan * P. 桑赫拉* T. 艾布拉姆森,M. 布雷默,K.A. 威尔金森. (2018). Lipopolysaccharide‐induced inflammation does not alter muscle spindle afferent mechanosensation or sensory integration in the spinal cord of adult mice. 生理 Reports 6 (17), 2018, e13812, http://doi.org/10.14814 / phy2.13812. PMC6121120.

L.S. Elahi#, K.N. 沙#, A. M. Abtahie *,.M. 蔡*,年代. Padmanabhan *,米. 布雷默,K.A. 威尔金森. (2018年)的饮食 induced obesity alters muscle spindle afferent function in adult mice. 《菠菜网lol正规平台》 13(5): e0196832. http://doi.org/10.1371 /杂志.pone.0196832. PMC5931673.

S-H. Woo, V. 卢卡奇,J.C. de Nooij, D. Zaytseva*, C.R. Criddle*, A. 旧金山,T.M. Jessell, K.A. 威尔金森, A. Patapoutian (2015) Piezo2 is the principal mechanotransduction channel for proprioception. Nat. >. (18), 1756-1762.

J.A. 弗兰克* H.E. Kloefkorn,年代. 招聘, K.A. 威尔金森 (2014) An 在体外 Adult Mouse Muscle-nerve Preparation for Studying the Firing Properties of Muscle 传入. J. Vis. Exp. (91), e51948, doi:10.3791/51948.

K.A. 威尔金森, H.E. Kloefkorn *,年代. 哈克曼(2012) Characterization of Muscle Spindle 传入 in the Adult Mouse Using an 在体外 Muscle-Nerve准备. 《菠菜网lol正规平台》 7(6): e39140. doi:10.1371 /杂志.pone.0039140 

* denotes undergraduate researcher # MS researcher