
Some business courses include a requirement (or offer an extra 信贷 opportunity) that students complete a research experience. 请参阅具体的课程大纲 更多的细节.

The research experience requirement can be met by participating in research studies approved by the university and listed on the 商学院SONA网站. (Note, the psychology department at 菠菜网lol正规平台 maintains their own SONA site with a different 网站地址.  Make sure you are using the SONA site for the College of 业务 for your business 类).

Students who do not wish to participate in research studies may write a brief review of a research article that appears in an approved 杂志 (see below).  一篇文章 审查=一个研究学分.

Students may combine the two options to fulfill their requirement (e.g.,你可以参与 in 一个 信贷 of research studies and complete 一个 article review if you need to earn 2学分).

If you have any questions regarding any of these requirements, please contact the 研究统筹主任 researchadmin.cob@gmail.com.

Research Experience Option 1: Participate in Studies

To complete the research participation option, you will need to use the SONA system 寻找实验并完成它们. The SONA url for the college of business is: http://cobsjsu.sona-systems.com

You must first login to the SONA 网站 using your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID and password before you 可以在SONA创建账户吗. 这里有 detailed instructions on how to create an account.


  • There will be no experiments posted until February 2024.  注册学生将获得 an email when the first experiment is posted.
  • No new studies will be posted after May 10, 2024. 完成所有学业的最后期限 is May 13, 2024; however, researchers may set an earlier deadline for any given study. In addition, your instructor determines the due date for completion of the requirement (可能早于5月13日).


  • Research Opportunities will be posted approximately every 3 weeks. 他们会有 LIMITED SLOTS AND WILL EXPIRE AFTER 7 DAYS.
  • If there are not any available studies when you log in to SONA it means that there aren't any available studies for which you are eligible at that time. 回头看看 晚些时候进行新的研究.
  • You will be issued a separate SONA ID (a 5 or 6 digit number) which can be viewed 当你登录到SONA时.  To maintain your anonymity, researchers only have access 到你的SONA ID. If you are asked to provide your SONA ID during an online study, you will need to provide the correct SONA ID to receive 信贷.
  • Credits will be given within 72 hours AFTER the participation DEADLINE for each study (which may be more than 72 hours after you personally completed the study).
  • If you choose to participate in a study and you find the procedure objectionable, you can withdraw from the study at any time. You will not be penalized for your withdrawal and you will receive full 信贷 for participation in that study.

Research Experience Option 2: Research Article Reviews


If you do not wish to participate in research studies, you may write a brief review of a research article that appears in a management 杂志. 一篇文章评论=一篇 信贷. Thus, if you are required to complete 2 信贷s you need to complete two article 评论. The management 杂志s can be accessed, for free, from the 菠菜网lol正规平台 library 网站.


Article 评论 must be submitted to the research coordinator by 5 pm on May 13, 2024.


The article review should be written in appropriate style, with an attempt to convince 说服观众. Each article review should include the following:

  • APA格式的完整引文.
  • A summary of the main points including theories and hypotheses tested.
  • A summary of the methods used to test the theories and hypotheses.
  • 主要研究结果摘要.
  • An evaluation of the contribution of the article to the field of management and organizational 行为. This evaluation should take into consideration: the conceptual rigor, the methodology (if applicable), and the conclusions. 令人信服地传达你的评估 和令人信服地.
  • 准确的语法和拼写.


  • Be sure to include your name, Student ID, instructor, class course and section ID 提交文章评论时.
  • Each review should be approximately 3 pages in length, double-space typed, 12pt Times 罗马字体,四周距1英寸. 标题页是不必要的.



A research article reports the results of original research, assesses its contribution to the body of knowledge in a given area, and is published in a peer-reviewed scholarly 杂志. A given academic field will likely have dozens of peer-reviewed 杂志s.

How do you know if an article is a research article?

Words to look for as clues include: analysis, study, investigation, examination, experiment, numbers of people or objects analyzed, content analysis, or surveys.


  • 管理学会学报
  • 管理学会评论
  • 组织行为学杂志
  • Harvard 业务 Review (must be an article not a web post)
  • 管理杂志
  • 领导的季度
  • 人际关系
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  • 市场研究杂志
  • 消费者研究杂志  
  • 消费心理学杂志
  • 广告杂志
  • 零售业杂志
  • 商业研究杂志 


If you decide to complete the Article Review option instead of the Research Experience option, you must submit your article review(s) to the coordinator at researchadmin.cob@gmail.com 截止日期前. If your review meets the requirements, the research coordinator 我会把你的信用加到你的SONA账户上吗.

These article 评论 are subject to all the requirements of Academic H一个sty as other 课堂作业. 看到 上海大学学术诚信政策[pdf] and your course syllabus for definitions of Academic Dish一个sty, Cheating, and Plagiarism.