
lol菠菜网正规平台 related to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Treat Yourself Well and the Healthy Campus 2020 initiative at San Jose State University: 

Seeing it Through: A Vision for Student-Centered Campus Spaces 

Washington Square editor Jody Ulate interviews 菠菜网lol正规平台’s Healthy Campus Chair, Christine Wong Mineta, who describes how the Healthy Campus initiative contributes to helping students be successful in adapting health promoting behaviors by creating systems and environments to support them in making that change. (发表: Spring-Summer 2019期)

The definition of health is much more than adopting any 一个 healthy behavior…we also want to create all of the systems and environments that help individuals be successful in making that change…These facilities are opportunities for different departments to collaborate, to share resources and to promote taking care of the whole self in a variety of ways…

Editor’s Perspective: Healthy Change

Washington Square editor Jody Ulate takes a look at issues of health and wellness on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus (发表: Fall-Winter 2017 issue)

As part of a multi-year, collaborative effort, our charge is to help 菠菜网lol正规平台 be healthier, to create a community in which people thrive.  

President Papazian’s Fall 2017 Welcome Address 

President Mary A. Papazian delivered the 2017 Fall Welcome Address to the University community on August 24, 2017 in the Diaz Compean Student Union Ballroom. (发表: August 22, 2017)

Aligning our strengths in health, innovation and related disciplines with the interests of our students and our region. Reimagining the entire student experience—from recruitment through commencement—and organizing our efforts accordingly… Nurturing and strengthening a culture of civility and inclusion—more critical than ever in the current national 气候. Joining Healthy Campus 2020, a national initiative that embraces the importance of health and wellness in supporting student success.  

Healthier Campus: Stronger Campus 

President Papazian’s September Blog: Each fall our campus brims with a sense of optimism, energy and hope, energized by the presence of thousands of new students – more than 11,000 this year… (发表: September 18, 2017) 

Health and wellness are top-of-mind issues for our campus…The national affiliation provides to us a broad strategy and practical framework for developing wellness programs uniquely suited to our community’s interests and needs. Locally, our steering committee 采用了 菠菜网lol正规平台—Treat Yourself Well! as its launch theme.