
内特转向架在现场 我研究地下水文学. 我的研究主要集中在不饱和区 and the interactions of organic matter and physical (hydraulic) properties that occur in unsaturated soils as a result of plants and changing environmental conditions. The work that I do integrates principles from hydrogeology, soil hydrology, and soil 科学. Some of the larger questions I seek to answer relate to how changing surface conditions affect deep percolation and groundwater recharge as well as how plants 在极端干旱的压力下表现. 我用的是稳定同位素和磁场混合物 和实验室工作来调查这些问题.


电话: (408) 924-5038 
办公室: DH 307
办公时间: 按照约定
电子邮件: 纳撒尼尔.bogie@ligalocalvaldepenas.com

Dr. 转向架的网站


  • Ph.D. 2016, Environmental 系统s, UC Merced; BS Earth 科学, UCSC


  • Nate's research focuses on how the traditional practice of intercropping with deep rooted native shrubs in the West African Sahel can serve as pumps to transfer water from deep, moist soil layers to shallow-rooted food crops growing nearby during extreme 干旱. His other work involves studying how deficit and drip irrigation and management of cover crops can affect crop growth, water use, and carbon cycling in the soils 加州中央谷地. 内特的工作让他去过塞内加尔,法国,还有 整个美国西部. Nate's pre-doctoral career consisted of working as a geologist in the geothermal energy sector and a scientist in the groundwater resources and environmental 以及美国林务局.


  • 人类发展与自然世界(GEOL/SCED 05)
  • 水文地质(GEOL 138)




  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., 2018. 土壤物理性质的改变 and processes after ten years of intercropping with native shrubs in the Sahel. 土壤 & 中国农业科学研究,32 (2):391 - 391. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.仍然.2018.05.010
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了., Ghezzehei T.A.迪克,R.P.福格尔,M., 2018. 液压 Redistribution by Native Sahelian Shrubs: Bioirrigation to Resist In-Season Drought. 环境科学前沿. http://doi.org/10.3389 / fenvs.2018.00098
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了., Ghezzehei T.A.迪克,R.P., 2018. 间作与 Two Native Woody Shrubs Improves Water Status and Development of Interplanted Groundnut 萨赫勒地区的珍珠粟. 植物与土壤:1-17. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3882-4
  • Ghezzehei T. A.苏尔曼,B.阿诺德,C. L., 转向架,N. A.伯希,A. A., 2018. 土壤保水特性对好氧作物的影响 微生物呼吸,生物地球科学讨论., http://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2018-265, 在lol菠菜网正规平台.


  • 桑托斯,F.艾比尼,R.巴恩斯,M。., Jin, L.莫兰德,K.北达科他州Bogie市.苏尔曼,B.Ghezzehei, T. A.A . b. A. The role of soil physical properties for determining biogeochemical 对土壤变暖的响应. In: Ecosystem Consequences of 土壤 Warming: Microbes, Vegetation, 动物与土壤生物地球化学. 编辑:杰奎琳·莫汉.


  • 转向架,N.A., Native Shrubs: a Simple Fix for Drought-Stricken Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa, The 对话,2015年9月17日.
  • 转向架,N.A., Setting Yourself up for Success: Planning and Executing Field Campaigns Far From [j] .中国农业科学,2015,31 (6):336 - 337. doi: 10.2134 / csa2015-60-11-14


  • 阿西莫夫,纳内特.(2015年5月5日). 加州大学学生的大创意让评委们大赚一笔 在线上. 科幻门. 检索自http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/UC-students-research-wows-judges-at- 研究生——大满贯——6241904.php
  • Gliessman,年代., 2014. “Intercropping with 液压-lift Shrubs in Arid West Africa” 在恩格斯,E., ed., Agroecology: The Ecology of Sustainable Food 系统s Third Edition. 泰勒 & 弗朗西斯.
  • (2012年9月. 25). UC Merced Connect: 塞内加尔 Shrubbery 研究 Could Bear Fruit. 默塞德太阳星. 摘自《菠菜网lol正规平台》.com


  • 转向架,N.A., UC Merced Blum Center Seed Grant: "工程 Agricultural Lands for 土壤 Health 地下水可持续性”(5000美元,2018)
  • 转向架,N.A., UC Merced 研究生 Dean's Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000, 2016)
  • 转向架,N.A., European Geo科学s Union Early Career Travel Award ($270, 2016)
  • 转向架,N.A., SSSA Kirkham土壤物理会议 Travel Award ($1,500, 2016)
  • 转向架,N.A., Outstanding Teaching Award, UC Merced 研究生 Division ($1,000, 2015)
  • 转向架,N.A., First Place, UC Merced GradSlam Three minute dissertation competition ($2,000, 2015)
  • 转向架,N.A.,山猫奖学金,加州大学默塞德分校(6,000美元,2015)
  • 转向架,N.A., NSF Funded 研究生 Assistantship: Partnership for International 研究和 教育 (PIRE) Ph值.D. Fellowship in Tropical Rhizosphere Hydrology ($100,000, 2011-2014)
  • 转向架,N.A.加州大学默塞德分校山猫奖学金(2014年6000美元)
  • 转向架,N.A.,加州大学默塞德分校夏季研究奖学金(2013年7000美元)


  • 转向架,N.A.A . b. A.Schaefer, M.V.阿维拉,C.C.艾伯纳西·M.杜宾斯基,E.A.Marklein, A.R.,拉瑟,D.布罗迪·E.帕里克·S.J.莱利,W.J.,雪,K.M.托尔姆.S.尼克, P.,英,S.C., Ghezzehei T.A.10月. 22-25, 2019,“滴灌改良土壤” 聚集和水物理性质. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • 转向架,N.A.A . b. A.Schaefer, M.V.阿维拉,C.C.艾伯纳西·M.杜宾斯基,E.A.Marklein, A.R.,拉瑟,D.布罗迪·E.帕里克·S.J.莱利,W.J.,雪,K.M.托尔姆.S.尼克, P.,英,S.C., Ghezzehei T.A.10月. 22-25, 2019,“滴灌改良土壤” 聚集和水物理性质. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2016,时空 Separation of Water Use Averts Competition for Water 资源 in a Sahelian Agroforestry 系统. AGU秋季会议.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2016,《菠菜网lol正规平台》 Shrubs on Water Retention and 土壤 Surface Evaporation 在塞内加尔的花生盆地. Kirkham土壤物理会议.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2015,从同一个地方喝 Straw: Crop Growth and Evidence of Water Transfer from Native Shrubs to Millet in 萨赫勒农业生态系统AGU秋季会议.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2014,横向液压再分配 萨赫勒农业生态系统中原生木本灌木的研究. AGU秋季会议.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2014,放大效应 of Intercropping with Native Woody Shrubs From Plot to Region in the Peanut Basin 塞内加尔. SSSA年会.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R., Badji, B.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2014年增加 Crop Yields and Differing 土壤 Properties as a Result of Two Native Shrubs in the 花生盆地,塞内加尔. 复杂土壤系统会议.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R., Badji, B.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2014,效果 of Native Woody Shrubs on Crop Growth In the 花生盆地,塞内加尔. w - 2188项目 meeting: Characterizing Mass and Energy Transport at Different Vadose Z一个 Scales.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.伯恩斯,A.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2013,作物用水 Stress Reduction Due to The Effects of Native Woody Shrubs 在塞内加尔的花生盆地. AGU秋季会议.
  • 转向架,N.A.巴亚拉,R.McCants, T.D .伯特利.,我死了,我死了.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2012, Beneficial Hydrologic Relations Between Evergreen Woody Shrubs and Food Crops 在塞内加尔的花生盆地. AGU秋季会议.
  • Bayala R.,我死了,我死了., 转向架,N.A.迪克,R.P., Ghezzehei T.A., 2014,两种原生灌木与肥料的影响 塞内加尔花生盆地作物生长与产量研究. SSSA年会.
  • Bayala R., 转向架N.A.,我死了,我死了.迪奥普,A.K., Badji, B.恩迪亚耶,M.B., Diallo, D; Gaye, F.Ndour, badian Y., 2017. Effect of Guiera senegalensis intercropping on pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum(左.) R. Br.] 


  • 转向架,N.A., April, 2018, "How is 土壤 Organic Matter stored and cycled in soil, and how do we 预计这种情况将随着气候变化而改变?,加州大学伯克利分校农业气候 变化适应工作组(ESPM 290-008).
  • 转向架,N.A., March, 2017, "Drinking From the Same Straw: Investigating the 土壤-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum in an Agro- ecosystem Undergoing 液压 Redistribution", Lawrence Berkeley 实验室气候对话.
  • 转向架,N.A., March, 2015,  "Increased Crop Yields, 液压 Redistribution, and Differing 土壤 Properties as a Result of Two Native Woody Shrubs 在塞内加尔的花生盆地", University 旧金山地球科学研讨会.
  • 转向架,N.A., 2012, "土壤 Water Relations Between Food Crops and Woody Shrubs in the Peanut Basin, 塞内加尔: Methods and Preliminary Results", Centre d’Etudes Régional pour l’Amelioration 《lol菠菜网正规平台》(CERAAS), 2012年. (以法语呈现)
  • 转向架,N.A., 2019-2020年,上海大学理学院科研委员会委员
  • 转向架,N.A.2019年11月. 08, UC Merced 研究生 Division CSU and CA Community College Career Day 特邀演讲嘉宾及小组成员
  • 转向架,N.A., 2019, Agro-Shrub Alliance: edited and translated French Version of information Sheet
  • 转向架,N.A., Organizer, 2017-2018, Enviro-Lunch Brown Bag Seminar, UC Merced
  • 转向架,N.A., 2019, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) 土壤 Sensor Technical Working 集团
  • 转向架,N.A., Spring 2017, Presentation to farmers and community members at Russell Ranch Field 戴,戴维斯,加州
  • 转向架,N.A.,评委,2017,加州大学默塞德分校大满贯
  • 转向架,N.A., SSSA Presentation Judge, 土壤 Chemistry and 土壤 Physics/Hydrology Divisions: 2017, 2019 Annual Meetings Reviewer (Applied 土壤 Ecology, SOIL, Vadose Z一个 Journal, PLoS 1、植皮植物与土壤)
  • 转向架,N.A.2月. 25, 2019, Merced Elementary and Middle School 科学 Fair Judge, Merced STEAM Center