
The Department of Environmental Studies is pleased to announce several scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, to be 奖ed in Spring 2024. 


  • John MacElmore 奖学金 ($2,000 in 奖 funds, undergraduates students)
  • 弗兰克·夏沃环境奖学金 ($1,400 in 奖 funds, undergraduate students) 
  • 约翰·勒克哈特-基瓦尼斯纪念奖学金 ($5,000 in 奖 funds, graduate students) 
  • 大卫J. 国家奖学金 ($2,000 in 奖 funds, undergraduate and graduate students)
  • 理查德·G. 环境毒理学巴顿纪念奖 ($2,000 in 奖 funds, 适用于本科生和研究生)


To be eligible for any of these scholarships, you must be an enrolled student and a major in the Department of Environmental Studies with a GPA of 2.75或以上.  


For full consideration, submit all materials listed below as a single attachment by 4:00 p.m.2024年4月19日,星期五 to environmental-studies@ligalocalvaldepenas.com

Only complete applications will be considered, you must include the following:

1. 申请表格[pdf]

2. Statement of Interest (750 words) that describes the following:  Your demonstrated commitment to environmental protection; your goals beyond college for promoting a sustainable future; any special financial needs that you may have. 如果你适合 priorities for a particular scholarship, be sure to mention them in your statement.

3. Brief budget showing how you would use the scholarship m一个y. 包括以下项目 as:  Tuition fees, room and board, transportation; books and supplies, research expenses; other unmet costs associated with your education in Environmental Studies.

4. 目前的履历或简历 

5. Transcripts showing your GPA (unofficial transcripts are fine)

6. Name and contact information for at least 一个 Environmental Studies faculty member 愿意推荐你 

7. MS 奖 applicants should also include a thesis project abstract (200 words, including objective and general methodological approach), as well as a general timeline to thesis 完成情况,包括主要的里程碑.


奖学金 available for Spring '24 (most funds will be disbursed in Fall 2024)



1.  Submit a personally-signed thank you letter to the Department of Environmental 研究报告,寄给奖学金提供者. 这封信应该包含信息 从你的申请论文中. 只提供发放资金的材料 after the letter is approved by the Department of Environmental Studies.  

2.  If 奖ed a Luckhardt fellowship, give a presentation on your research to the West San Jose chapter of Kiwanis International within 一个 year of receiving funding.

For more information, please contact the department of Environmental Studies via the 部门实时聊天服务或电子邮件 environmental-studies@ligalocalvaldepenas.com 


*注意: The Department of Environmental Studies faculty scholarship committee reserves the right to distribute or not distribute all or part of each scholarship as it deems appropriate, within the requirements set by the founders of each 奖 and depending 关于申请人的资格.