
We hope you’ll consider joining us for 一个 of the 教师发展中心’s 2021-2022年教师学习社区.  今年,我们很高兴地宣布 以下五个FLCs.

  • 身体很重要:残疾司法: 感兴趣 教师 will explore the intersections of disability that inform student 学业和社会成就(如性别、种族、性取向等).). 教师会 共同探讨残障正义与残障正义的细微差别. 残疾人权利, and explore new ways to engage their teaching practices that disrupts the ways ableism, heterosexism, sexism, racism, and other forms of oppression  intersect with disability. 
  • 即将毕业的第一代学生: 感兴趣 教师 will explore the systemic and institutional forms of oppression that influence first generation student success across disciplines/fields. 教师 will make determinations about how to achieve inclusive excellence in their courses through exploration of teaching practices, student learning needs, and CSU and 菠菜网lol正规平台 机构数据. 
  • 教学视频的力量: 感兴趣 教师 will work together to learn how to create effective instructional videos, utilize these videos throughout the academic year to gauge the effectiveness of the videos on student learning (engagement, assessment/performance task success, 等.), and develop a (personal, course or department) digital video archive.
  • 超越土地确认:以原住民为中心: Taking up decolonization in higher education and beyond is a historical project. 感兴趣 教师将探讨在教育和其他领域的非殖民化努力. 这方面的能力 group will develop content and resources to advance the thought leadership at 菠菜网lol正规平台 around decolonization and honoring indigenous land and life with intentionality. 
  • 时逢其时:可持续发展与气候正义 感兴趣 教师 will explore the impact of sustainability and climate justice on student success, particularly the success of students from Indigenous 社区, low SES 社区, and other 社区 highly affected by climate change.  教师 in this group will develop content and resources to advance the thought leadership 关于可持续发展和气候正义的演讲.



教师学习社区 (or FLCs) create spaces for small groups of 6-12 教师 to learn, grow and experiment in relation to a shared commitment or goal. 教师 learning 社区 support a return to the foundations of teaching (Layne, Froyd, Morgan and Keinmer, 2002) by inspiring and empowering 教师 to pursue projects that are germane to the institution with regard to student success, teaching 和学习. Multiple FLCs often operate concurrently within an academic year, creating opportunities for 教师 to collaborate with their colleagues across departments and disciplines, 培育社区,打破制度孤岛. 

教师学习 社区 emerge in relation to particular topics of interest. 的 topics may be predetermined by 教师 developers or a 教师 development office, 但教职员工可以自行选择加入他们希望加入的flc. FLC会员指南 and determine a community's progress over the year, including choices about meeting dates, readings, training or workshops they may need delivered by on-campus 教师 developers, off-campus experiences they have as a group, webinars they participate 在,等等. 的 教师发展中心 does not dictate what 教师 members choose to do within their 社区, but they can and will provide assistance, guidance 并根据要求提供支持(Rege, 2011). 

FLC的目标是什么? (考克斯,2004)

  • 以教与学构建大学社区
  • 提高教师对本科教学的兴趣 
  • Investigate how DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives) informs teaching 和学习
  • 拓宽教学评价和学习评价 
  • 加强跨学科合作
  • 增加对教与学措施的财政支持


  • 改进教学实践
  • Cross-disciplinary connections 和学习 in support of student success across majors 
  • 个人或小组研究,以支持所有教员
  • Presentations openly delivered to the university community about the outcomes of new 教学实践和研究见解 


  • Support for early career 教师, including graduate teaching associates and lecturer 教师
  • Mid-career and late-career 教师 reengagement with innovative teaching practices 以及跨学科的问题
  • Strengthened student success as informed by the progress and projects generated through 的方法


的 教师发展中心 is pleased to support up to five 教师 学习 每学年的社区. 每个FLC将包括多达12名教师. 任何 欢迎教师参加FLC. 每个FLC将参加一个 定位会议. 一旦进入flc,教师们就会决定他们的会议时间表, who will lead the community, ideas for exploration particular to the community topic, 等. 


FLCs are important because they inform student development and success, they contribute to 教师 development 和学习 as a whole, and they inform the strategic goals (考克斯,2003). 


Each FLC may receive up to $1200 in funding to support expenses related to their learning 目标和结果.  因此,FLC成员必须共同决定他们的意愿 充分利用这些资金.  资金可用于材料、参与 培训和研讨会,支持校园活动(例如.g.(餐饮),以及其他允许的 购买.  FLC leaders should reach out to Gina Marin, <吉娜.marin@ligalocalvaldepenas.com> Administrative Analyst in the 教师发展中心 for consultation about 什么是允许的费用.  所有FLC的资金申请必须事先获得批准.  


Each FLC will select a leader who will be responsible for producing a brief report 在学年结束时.  本报告将包括有关的见解 FLC在实现学习目标方面的成功和挑战. 这份报告也将 include but is not limited to details about the FLC’s impact on student success, cross-disciplinary 合作,或其他转变的证据. 消防局的工作人员将登记入住 每学期2-3次与FLC领导一起提供支持.






  • FLC领导人将提交一份初步进展报告. 报告应包括 proposed learning goals, proposed activities, FLC team meeting dates, meeting dates 与华菱(直接联系时间表),以及资金申请. 

Early December and Early February: FLC leaders provide progress updates to CFD. 的 最新进展将包括以下内容:

  1. 集团的目标
  2. Activities conducted (small group meetings, workshop participation, requested workshops for the FLC from a unit on campus, action research conducted in courses, 等.)
  3. 下一个步骤


  • 的 FLCs will lead a workshop on their topic for 校园社区. FLC会 确定日期、时间,并提供举办场地(Zoom). 
  • 的 FLCs will create resources to be added to the CFD resource library to share with 校园社区.  


  • FLC领导人将向CFD提交一份最终报告.
  • CFD将为FLC成员举办庆祝活动.



考克斯米. D. (2003). 7:经过验证的教师发展工具,培养奖学金 教师学习社区的教学. 提高学院水平, 21(1), 109-142.

考克斯米. D. (2004). 介绍教师学习社区. 新方向 《菠菜网lol正规平台》,2004(97),5-23. [pdf]

戴利,C. J. (2011). 教师学习社区: Addressing the Professional Development 教师的需要和学生的学习需要. 教学潮流 & 学习, 4(1).

莱恩,J.弗罗伊德,J.摩根,J., & Kenimer,. (2002年11月). 教师学习 社区. In 第32届教育前沿年会 (卷. 2, pp. F1A-F1A). IEEE

Richlin L., & 考克斯米. D. (2004). 发展学术教学和学术 通过教师学习社区进行教学和学习. 教与学的新方向, 2004(97), 127-135.